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A message from The Senior Leadership Team 


Dear colleague,


I’m pleased to invite you to complete our Health and Wellbeing Survey for 2019. This is available for all council colleagues to complete.


As part of our ‘one council, one vision, one team’ approach, the city council is committed to supporting your health and wellbeing at work. We want to have a culture and environment that helps you to be mentally and physically healthy in your jobs.


To help us with this, we would like to know about your experiences of health and wellbeing at work so that we can share and celebrate what is going well and try to make improvements where needed.  This is part of our commitment to you to make working at the city council as healthy a time as possible. 


Kind regards,


The Senior Leadership Team

All  completed questionnaires will be handled by an external research partner, Information by Design, who will remove all personal details, before writing a report and forwarding the final data to the council.  YOUR RESPONSES WILL REMAIN STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.  UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL ANY INDIVIDUAL RESPONSES BE RELEASED.  Where there are fewer than 10 responses from a certain location, data will be merged to ensure responses are anonymous.


We would like you to answer as many questions as possible, but if you do not wish to answer certain questions, then that is fine.  The survey should take about 15 minutes to fill in.  We will be encouraging as many people as possible to complete it, and your line manager will make sure you have the time to do this.



  • Throughout this survey, we will refer to your health and wellbeing at work.

  • By Health, we mean the state of your physical health.

  • By Wellbeing, we mean the state of your emotional/mental wellbeing.

  • Most of the questions ask you to tick one box.

  • Please choose the option closest to your opinion.

  • If you work in more than one job, please answer the questions in relation to your main job.

  • If you would like to discuss anything about the survey in confidence with the organisation running the survey, Information by Design, or need any help accessing the survey please speak to Paul Phodes, Alecsandra Puflea or Gillian Roberts on 01482 467467.

If you have any questions please telephone Information by Design on 01482 467467

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