Tell us what you think
A message from Caroline Henry, Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner.
“I would like to welcome you to our consultation on our policy for preventing violence against women and girls.
Our Mission is to reduce the occurrence of violence against women and girls, bring more perpetrators to justice and increase support for all victims and survivors.
We know that crimes such as domestic abuse, sexual violence including child sexual exploitation and honour-based abuse disproportionately affect women and girls. However, we recognise that men and boys are affected by these issues too. Violence against women and girls can have a major impact on victims in terms of mental health, substance misuse, homelessness, loss of employment and lower educational outcomes and life chances.
Nottinghamshire has a well-developed range of skilled specialist organisations working to meet the needs of victims and survivors, but there are opportunities to improve access to services among some communities and how effectively agencies work together. There are also opportunities to improve our knowledge of what works in tackling violence against women and girls and ensure that the work we do is evidence-led and robustly evaluated.
In delivering this strategy, we will consider not only women and marginalised women, but also the views and needs of boys and men who may be affected by these issues. We also recognise that a whole community effort is required in order to change a culture and tackle the attitudes and beliefs that can give rise to Violence Against Women and Girls. It is therefore essential that men form part of the conversation.
Please will you take some time to read the strategy document, and then complete the survey to give me some feedback. I will listen to everyone’s comments and take action on them.”
Please click here to read the Violence Against Women And Girls Strategy or download a copy of the document below:
PDF Document
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